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Book Cover 

The book Cover was my favorite project, maybe it was because I did the best on this project or maybe it was because I got to chose what I wanted to do. The goal of the project was to chose a book that we loved to read or had an impact on us. Then we were tasked with making a book cover for the book that had all these different requirements that most books have. But we also had to have 3 pictures that we took and a type of clipping mask on the cover. I learned how to make clipping mask better and it ended up making my book look better. 

My book was Dream new Dreams a book about a Lady named Jai and her journey through her husbands cancer and how she began her life again. I wanted it to seem like the book was a dream that is why I gave it the purple and blue clouded background and then made a clipping mask of a person flying through them almost, with stars as there back ground, to represent the dream. I am most definitely proud of this project and it is my absolute favorite. 

I started by making the background, editing the colors, darkening it and adding some paint filter to add in more clouds. Then I started typing and inserting all of my text finding a font that fit the theme I was going for, then I arranged it to fit and match the page. The reason that I waited to do the clipping mask last was because I wanted to put it in and watch the book cover just fold together, I wanted to make sure it matched before I redid the entire book because it was perfect the way it was but if the clipping mask didn't match I probably would have changed the books theme. 

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